What We Do
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The Newfoundland Club of America Coordinates Rescue Services through our Regional Clubs and many dedicated volunteers in areas where no Regional Club program exists.
Our Stories
Some of the stories of Newfs entering the Rescue program are heartbreaking. Many are uplifting. Newfoundlands have a powerful influence on the lives they touch, for those who listen.
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Petfinder™ Bill of Rights for Pet Adopters.
You have the right to...
adopt the best Newf you have ever met.
adopt a Newf that has not bitten a human.
adopt a Newf that will be safe.
adopt a Newf that has not killed another dog.
not be blamed if the Newf turns out aggressive.
not be blamed for NOT adopting a dog that has been in rescue for too long.
not be pressured to adopt an incompatible dog.
be explained the reasons if you are refused an adoption.
be treated with courtesy and professionalism.
receive as much behavioral & medical history as possible.
be informed of the dog’s actual age.
be informed of the dogs actual breed.
expect the rescue to stand behind its dogs.