About Us

Newfoundland Rescue Network operates as part of the NCA Charitable Trust. The Newfoundland Club of America is a non-profit organization recognized by the American Kennel Club to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of Newfoundland dogs.

inseparable rescue pair


The Club welcomes a review of the Newfoundland Rescue program. Any questions should be directed to the chairman of the NCA Newf Rescue Network - Mary L. Price. The NCA maintains a list of local rescue contacts. These are dedicated volunteers who give generously of their time to help our Newfoundlands. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact them. Rescue Contact List

The Newfoundland Rescue Network maintains a waiting list of pre-screened adoptive homes that are interested in acquiring a Newfoundland from the Network.

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Placements in these homes are subject to a Placement Agreement which requires that the adopted Newfoundland be spayed or neutered upon placement and may not be used for breeding purposes.
Adoptive homes also agree that the Newfoundland's only function is to be a companion to the family and no attempt may be made to use the Newf as an attack dog.

Newfoundlands become available for adoption from many sources including current owners, breeders, humane shelters, animal control agencies, veterinarians, etc. and are fostered by volunteers across the country

Generous donations from members, bequeaths, grants etc. support the expenses associated with this work.



It is the Club's belief that Newfoundland dogs should not be acquired casually or disposed of lightly. However it is recognized that sometimes an owner's circumstances change and the Newf is found to be unsuited to his or her present home.

Rescue Committees

Rescue Chair

Mary L.Price
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Rescue Prevention Committee

Chris Owen

Our Partners